Jessica Slijkhuis
"Every time you leave home,
another road takes you
into a world you were never in. "
Slijkhuis Leadership & Learning
Why Leadership & Learning
I believe we human beings have an incredible potential to live, learn and work to the fullest. Living, learning and working to the fullest require robust vulnerability: daring to open up and to act decisively at the same time. Even if the road ahead is unknown and the circumstances are challenging.
As an awareness-builder, I will guide you on the path to your effective leadership. To have you unleash your full potential, flourish and be your most resilient self.
Whatever happens. In my book, settling for less is no option.
Coaching as a transformative journey
Coaching is a deeply transformative journey. By partnering with you on a thought provoking and creative discovery voyage, I help you build your awareness and unleash your full personal and professional potential.
To be a leader takes guts. So understanding the relationship between how you habitually think, behave and more importantly, how this impacts your current level of leadership effectiveness is crucial.

Now what?
You are unique and so is your coaching journey. Depending on you, your coaching objectives and your learning preferences, coaching sessions or workshops may take place in person at my office, in Nature, remote or in a blended mix between video and written e-coaching. Together we decide what is most effective for youNext to remote or in-person coaching sessions, I also offer e-coaching and walking coaching.
I offer you;
• In person coaching and remote coaching
• Blended or e-coaching
• Walking Coaching

Want to know more? Ask Jessica!

About me
In 2006 I changed my career from being an academic researcher and lecturer in the field of Arts and Social Sciences, to starting my own learning and development company. Back then my intention was and still is to enhance the learning capacity, joy and effectiveness of leaders who aim to serve and empower their employees and teams in increasing performance, relationships and results.
Client reviews
Shalini Singh
Executive coach | Senior Business Partner at Adidas"I had the pleasure to co-learn with Jessica during a year old advanced coaching program on neuroscience. I can easily say that the insights Jessica offered to the group tremendously helped deepen the learning of the entire group and helped us reflect more. It was big time fun and extremely inspiring to learn with and from her. Just having her in the group helped us learn so much more as she brought with her tons of personal and professional experience and shared it with consciousness, inclusion and authenticity."
Gaston Vondenhoff
Head of Analytical Development At Lonza"For over 2 years Jessica coached me as part of the Maastricht MBA program. It‘s fair to say that the sessions with Jessica belong to the best parts of my MBA experience. The sessions are no walk in the park are can be demanding, however she will make sure that you walk out of a session better equipped to reach the goals you strive for. In that sense, she will actually unleash your full potential! With her, a session is never a closed conversation, but rather the start or an update in your own development. No person is fulfilled or will ever finish development, but with help from Jessica steps in the right direction are made."
Participants Coaching Leadership Workshop.
About Jessica as a facilitator‘Weet heel goed in en om te gaan met de persoonlijke vragen en voorbeelden, zet mensen aan het denken’ […] ‘Open and personal coach that adapted the course to our personal needs’. ‘Learned a lot, very useful’ […] ‘It was really a pleasure to work with her’ […] ‘Very empathetic and good leadership skills’ […] ‘Practice what you preach en bovenal een heel fijn persoon’ […] ‘Prettig en kundig. Voorbeeld van warm en effectief leiderschap’ […] ‘Easy to work with. Professional.’ Participants Coaching Leadership Workshop.
Emanuela Sirtori
Partner and senior researcher at CSIL Development and Evaluation Unit"Jessica accompanied me on the long journey to get my PhD, helping me find a balance between the (part-time) research, my job and personal life. No matter what issue I brought to her. She always had the right tool or advice to give me to help me move on with confidence and a smile on my face. I will never thank her enough!"
Tanya Vromen
Founder of Cirkel"During a Leadership Programme at Haniel, I got a one-time coaching session by Jessica. Beforehand, I thought... 1 hour coaching? Can that even make a difference? Well, it seems that even this can achieve a lot if you have the right coach. Jessica has the skill to turn a simple question into a deeper conversation and help to make you understand what it exactly is where this question comes from. This creates awareness on a deeper level and it helped me in making some important realisations. I would definitely recommend anyone to have Jessica as a coach, even if it is just for one session!"
Carla Haelermans
Professor of Economics at ROA, School of Business and Economics Maastricht University"The coaching sessions with Jessica were very useful and nice. She knew exactly what (uncomfortable) questions to ask to make me think and reflect, and I have really grown as a person due to these coaching sessions. I very much appreciate her professional yet personal approach, and her flexibility in the content of the trajectory and the sessions, depending on what I needed at that moment. Apart from being a good coach, Jessica is a very nice person, and I enjoyed our outside walking coaching sessions very much. I can highly recommend Jessica as a coach!"
Arthur van Diesen
Representative at UNICEF"Jessica is a very skilled executive coach. Just a handful of sessions with her resulted in really valuable insights, which I am now turning into strategies to grow as a leader in my organization. If Jessica was a gardener, I’d say she has green fingers. To stay on that metaphor, I feel like a plant that just received some extra rays of sun, a good drink of water and a bit of fertiliser - growing taller and blooming."
Niels Groen
Managing Partner at Blink Lane Consulting"In the first week of my cohort’s enrolment at MGSoG, we had a coaching session with Jessica Slijkhuis. To the disdain of some, or seemingly so, the session wasn’t filled with academic discussion. Instead, Jessica challenged us to reflect and gain clarity on what drives us to do a PhD, so that we could create a personal support system around virtues such as self-awareness, resilience, focus, trust, discipline, or passion. The insight I took from that and subsequent sessions with Jessica, was that being succesfull in my PhD was not about being intelligent or disciplined. As I discovered, doing a PhD is like becoming a samurai. As any sensei will tell you, not skills or discipline make a great samurai. It is a balanced spirit that distinguishes a great samurai warrior."
Anastasia Andreadaki
Projectmanager | Design at Six Sigma Black Belt"I was lucky to have Jessica as a coach during a period of time where I wanted to explore a career direction. Jessica has helped me understand on a deeper level what is important to me, what inspires me, and what I can do right to make that happen. Her uplifting and positive personality and her contagious smile make her easy to open up to and wonderful to work with."
Who I work with
Many of my clients are senior leaders or high potentials from all over the world, working in international profit or non-profit organizations. They have as much curiosity to learn and develop as I have and are willing to push for value- driven sustainable behavioral transformation. Of themselves and of those they lead.
My trusted partners
As a coach I am part of an ecosystem of partnerships in which we nurture each other and bring our own unique qualities and experience to best serve our organisational clients.
You as our clients are catalysts of sustainable change, dealing with uncertainty and complex challenges. Helping you have effective impact in facing these challenges is a collective effort.
Would you like to know more about my approach?
Or do you have any questions and/or remarks,
please let me know.